Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Endangering yourselves with too much knowledge..

I don't bother to post about the FPL at the moment as my team continues to slip further and further down.

Anyway, one of NCNB's post fully and precisely describe the situation that are happening to me and my team at the moment. 

The post below, every words are purely from NCNB's website:

Week over week, year over year, I find myself wondering if too much knowledge – in fantasy football – is a dangerous thing.
I’d be very interested to hear what other veteran players have to say about this matter as my opinion is that there is a fine line between “preparation” and “research” and “information overload” / “insanity.”

Here’s a perfect example that would never have happened back in the 2005 season when I was playing 6 years ago, because the number of blogs on the internet, and access to up to date team by team news was just impossible to aggregate and source at once:

  • Mikel Arteta is suspended for three games. I decide at the beginning of the week to bring in Samir Nasri for my one free transfer. No big deal. They are similarly priced. Arsenal have a home game with Fulham – a team that hasn’t won at Arsenal in something like 100 years. I watched the Aston Villa – Arsenal game last weekend and Nasri / Arshavin looked great. Pretty simple analysis. Did some research (Fulham away record) as well as some gut instinct analysis (watching Nasri this season). Good research. Good time spent. No-brainer.

  • What really happens: Samir Nasri features in a Carling Cup game on Tuesday. He picks up a knee injury. Wenger specifically mentions this knee injury in his press conferences / interviews on Wednesday and Thursday – I start to have some minor doubts over transferring Nasri in, but Wenger is “hopeful” he will play. I decide to leave my decision to Friday.

  • Friday comes around – I research the previews for every team game in the Premier League. [This is where information overload / insanity may come in] I find out that my striker, Peter Odemwingie, is a doubt with fluid on his knee. I have high hopes for Odemwingie. He is playing at home and facing Newcastle – a team without their regular centre backs – who are both suspended. A team that has been inconsistent. I know, from past research, that Odemwingie was a star in Russia during the cold weather / snowy months. I know he has taken penalties for WBA. He’s cheap. I love him. I have never had a single thought all week of dropping him. He’s fit, it’s cold and snowy, he’s playing at home against a slow Sol Campbell – this is awesome. Or not….

  • Information overload causes a panic – if Odemwingie is out, and I have 5M in the bank, shouldn’t I upgrade some part of my team rather than make my initial Arteta to Nasri transfer? Shouldn’t I take Odemwingie out if his knee is such a problem that he’s a doubt. I research further. Odemwingie already missed a chunk of the season earlier with a knee problem. OH NO! Is this a recurrence? Conspiracy theories enter my head. Odemwingie won’t make it! He surely won’t make it…

  • On to Plan Z – a last second, panicked, information overload induced transfer leads me to take out Arteta and Odemwingie – and replace them with N’Zogbia and Tevez. I take a – 4 points hit, as required under the rules of the Official Fantasy Premier League for making more than the 1 allowed transfer per week. I watch the early games and Carlos Tevez has scored after 4 minutes. I feel proud. Smug. But then it happens…

  • SAMIR NASRI scores two goals. Ends up with 15 points.

  • PETER ODEMWINGIE plays on Sunday. Scores two goals. WBA beat Newcastle 3-1.

Due to information overload, I have left 30 points out of my fantasy team. 30 points that could be the difference at the end of the season between losing a mini-league and winning one. Between bragging rights (and cold hard cash) amongst my friends and former college soccer teammates, and being labelled a “pundit” with talk only…
So I ask you, logically (no sour grapes here) – have you ever been a victim of fantasy information overload?

My best seasons in the fantasy game (ironically) were the 3-4 years before I started writing this blog. 2005 – 2008. The reason? Perhaps I spent more time doing the preliminary research and looking after my own team, rather than researching every single player in the league, injury news, form, statistics, etc. in order to provide a commentary on it all – for everyone.

That immense absorption of knowledge has (I hope) helped others in their weekly decision making, but more times than not, it leaves me in an ‘unclear’ state as I make decisions for my own squad. I just rely on too many rumors, injury reports, and speculation that is unclear with this information overload. I can’t ever remember being in an ‘unclear’ state back in 2005 when I finished 1,900th in the world out of 2,000,000 players – The 99.999th percentile.

You get the point.

Sure – losing Odemwingie’s 2 goals and failing to gain Nasri’s 2 goals – a 4 goal swing – or about 30 points – is painful mid-season. And I have to “blame” it on the fact that perhaps too much knowledge is a dangerous thing, but at the end of the day, I continue on in the hopes that this community is enlightened, entertained, and more knowledgeable as a whole, despite the detriment to my overall fantasy ranking.
When all is said and done, I am what I am. I’m a curious person. I love web research. I get excited after making mini statistical discoveries week in and week out, and providing you guys – the community with tips and information – so that just won’t end even if I am providing my mini-league rivals with the ammunition to shoot me down in our own fantasy football conflagration.

There is no “I” in team. I’m here for you. So, in our utopian community that is Never Captain Nicky Butt, good luck to all fantasy managers, and let’s all hope for a Charles N’Zogbia hat trick next weekend.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Review GW 15 - unexplainable BPL season

Luis Nani - The first player to hit 100 Fantasy Points this season. Anyway, back to the results.

Tottenham 2 - 1 Liverpool

Skrtel scored at both ends. The wrong end's proved to be costly as Lennon leave it late to scored his first goal of the season which also is the winning goal for Tottenham. VDV limped out after 9 minutes, bad news for his owners.

Newcastle 1 - 1 Chelsea

Andy Carroll's price rocked up to $6.1 now, a $1.1 increase from his base $5 price tag. Yea, he scored his 9th goal of the season, 9 goals from a $5 base price striker. The difference between him with Rooney, Drogba, Torres? He is $5 + cheaper.

And Carlo Ancelotti is about to hide in the snow as Chelsea stumbled again, Drogba is totally ineffective. Who says Newcastle is fragile without their two main center-backs?

Aston Villa 2 - 4 Arsenal

Arsenal won the game, yea, but my eyes are on future BPL stars of Aston Villa such as Clark, Bannan, Herd and Albrighton (he did not feature in this game). Chamakh showed how unsportmanship he is although he scored 1 and assisted 1. Wilshere is a bright prospect too.

Manchester United 7 - 1 Blackburn

Blackburn who are known for their tough defensive play are thumped 7-1 by the Red Devils. Put aside 5-star Berbatov, which all goals were scored with his right foot, Rooney and Nani look sharp too. Vidic is the only player with a "virtual clean sheet" this gameweek.

Stoke 1 - 1 Manchester City

Manchester City's multi-million strike force are useless as they need a defender to score the opening, which is struck quite beautifully, and conceded in the 90th minute that resulted a draw. Clueless attacks and defences from ManCity.

Bolton 2 - 2 Blackpool

Ian Holloway has bring on a new wave of attacking playstyle into the BPL even with his players who most of them are mainly from lower league. No kidding, the orange armies are threatening and dangerous. Sorry for Elmander, Lee and K.Davies owners as someone name M.Davies stole the limelight instead.

Everton 1 - 4 West Brom

Talking about Blackpool, West Brom's Roberto Di Matteo did the similar things that is done by Ian Holloway too, also with a squad with players from lower league and limited budgets, but they successfully stunned Everton 4-1 at Goodison Park. Beckford = Fail.

Fulham 1 - 1 Birmingham 

The American did it again when Fulham need rescue. Mark Hughes' side yet to kickstart. Birmingham are still good at their defences and a point from Craven Cottage is considered a good result.

West Ham 3 - 1 Wigan

Avram Grant just love pressure. He won't perform until he is told he will be sacked if the team don't start winning. As usual, Obinna, Piquionne and Parker (I missed him as I did not realize he is back from injury, or I definitely will bring him back into my squad as I sold him last week)

Wolves 3 - 2 Sunderland

Sunderland who won 3-0 at Stamford Bridge last week are beaten 3-2 by lowly Wolves. What is happening in this season's BPL? Nobody can explain.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Record-breaking day in the BPL and 5-star Berbatov

What a day in the BPL, with a whooping total of 36 goals scored on Saturday GW15, in eight different matches, a new BPL record for total goals scored in a single match day.

5-star Berbatov

Berbatov stole all the spotlight today as he scored 5-goals (he last scored a hat-trick against Liverpool) against Blackburn Rovers and ManUtd won 7-1 at Old Trafford.

 More to come.....

Friday, November 26, 2010

Gameweek Preview - GW 15

Let's cut short and get directly into some important points this GW 15.

The 'cold' stuff:

Cesc Fabregas: Injured and out for 2-3 weeks, decide yourself to keep or release the $12 midfielder.

Florent Malouda: Totally dip in form. Dropped from $10.5 (peak) to $10.2 and expected to cont. dropping.

Didier Drogba: Did not score since GW 7, cash him out and you can buy any players you want.

The "hot" stuff:

Samir Nasri: Fabregas is out, Nasri's the man.

Carlos Tevez: He is hot (I mean his form.. ehem), he can assist, he can score, he takes free-kicks & penalty

Kevin Davies: Earned his England call-up and he continues to shine for Bolton playing alongside Elmander.

Morten Gamst Pedersen: His free-kick is Beckham-alike, just that he is using the left-foot. Great buy at $5.8

Luis Nani: Rooney is back, hope he can turn Nani's ball from crosses into goals. Anyway, Nani is still far from Cristiano Ronaldo. Expect something from him, but not too much.

Johan Elmander: Formed a formidable partnership with Davies, 8 goals up-to-date, more goals scored than both of his previous 2 seasons combined.

Do I need to mention Van Der Vaart and Bale?Guess not. Anyway, Defoe's return might rob VDV's penalty duty. Mark Defoe down too. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Preview GW 14 - The North London Derby

The north London derby: Arsenal vs Tottenham
Definitely will be a fiery match, with the addition of Van Der Vaart
and current's Bale, the derby is never the same again

Gonna be a fiery match. A golden change for Arsenal to occupy the top of the table with a win. But Tottenham aren't gonna let these young Gunners go through easily. Play every attacking players of both team you have. Just see how Bale torture Sagna, and Fabregas at the opposite side, penetrates Tottenham's defence with his through passes.

Liverpool vs West Ham
Gerrard's injury: Liverpool will get some handsome payment from FA

Yea, Gerrard is hamstrung and will be out for four weeks, injured during England's friendly against France. The only fire power left is Torres. Nothing much to say, God bless Torres and keep him safe from injuries as he will be marked real tight as he is the lone target man.

Blackpool vs Wolves
Captain Adam will be out, who will be taking spot kicks and penalties?

Charlie Adam set to miss this week's game against Wolves at home. Awww.. what a wonderful chance and match for the Blackpool's captain to grab some points. He is one of the best bargain buy under $6 category, the 5th leading scorer in the midfielders' section, owned by 19.2%.

Wolves will take the advantage to do something after some awful results in the past 2 months and without Charlie Adam, how will Blackpool be doing?

Birmingham vs Chelsea
Drogba: Did not score since GW 7

Chelsea aren't the same again, seems to lost their momentum, not a free-scoring side anymore. 3 losses so far, the humiliating defeat to Sunderland at home is the hardest to accept and forget. Away at Birmingham? Might be boring, even Birmingham might have some chances bringing them down with the absence of Terry and Alex.

Fulham vs Manchester City

Mancini: The master of bore game tactician

What can I say? Continue to fire blank and the blue/white stripes scarf surrounding your neck can be the same scarf to be used to hang yourself soon. Go go Mark Hughes!


  • Manchester United vs Wigan - sorry Wigan is all I can say and have to say.

  • Sunderland vs Everton - Gyan is on hot form. Do you realised that Sunderland only lost 1 game this season beside MU who have not lose a single game so far.

  • Bolton vs Newcastle - Both teams are bold and dare to play attacking formations despite their average defences. Will be a nice game to watch. Still, look out for Elmander.

  • Blackburn vs Aston Villa - Hmm, a tight match, might be a low-scoring match. Downing and Young in my radar.

  • West Brom vs Stoke City - It's time for West Brom to grab a win after winless for 4 games. Odemwingie is back and he is performing well.