Friday, November 19, 2010

Preview GW 14 - The North London Derby

The north London derby: Arsenal vs Tottenham
Definitely will be a fiery match, with the addition of Van Der Vaart
and current's Bale, the derby is never the same again

Gonna be a fiery match. A golden change for Arsenal to occupy the top of the table with a win. But Tottenham aren't gonna let these young Gunners go through easily. Play every attacking players of both team you have. Just see how Bale torture Sagna, and Fabregas at the opposite side, penetrates Tottenham's defence with his through passes.

Liverpool vs West Ham
Gerrard's injury: Liverpool will get some handsome payment from FA

Yea, Gerrard is hamstrung and will be out for four weeks, injured during England's friendly against France. The only fire power left is Torres. Nothing much to say, God bless Torres and keep him safe from injuries as he will be marked real tight as he is the lone target man.

Blackpool vs Wolves
Captain Adam will be out, who will be taking spot kicks and penalties?

Charlie Adam set to miss this week's game against Wolves at home. Awww.. what a wonderful chance and match for the Blackpool's captain to grab some points. He is one of the best bargain buy under $6 category, the 5th leading scorer in the midfielders' section, owned by 19.2%.

Wolves will take the advantage to do something after some awful results in the past 2 months and without Charlie Adam, how will Blackpool be doing?

Birmingham vs Chelsea
Drogba: Did not score since GW 7

Chelsea aren't the same again, seems to lost their momentum, not a free-scoring side anymore. 3 losses so far, the humiliating defeat to Sunderland at home is the hardest to accept and forget. Away at Birmingham? Might be boring, even Birmingham might have some chances bringing them down with the absence of Terry and Alex.

Fulham vs Manchester City

Mancini: The master of bore game tactician

What can I say? Continue to fire blank and the blue/white stripes scarf surrounding your neck can be the same scarf to be used to hang yourself soon. Go go Mark Hughes!


  • Manchester United vs Wigan - sorry Wigan is all I can say and have to say.

  • Sunderland vs Everton - Gyan is on hot form. Do you realised that Sunderland only lost 1 game this season beside MU who have not lose a single game so far.

  • Bolton vs Newcastle - Both teams are bold and dare to play attacking formations despite their average defences. Will be a nice game to watch. Still, look out for Elmander.

  • Blackburn vs Aston Villa - Hmm, a tight match, might be a low-scoring match. Downing and Young in my radar.

  • West Brom vs Stoke City - It's time for West Brom to grab a win after winless for 4 games. Odemwingie is back and he is performing well.

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