Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BPL Fantasy Football - 1st Blood Season 4

BPL Fantasy has come into season 4. Congratz to my friends who have sticked to the game for the past 4 seasons.

This blog is created to post some 1st blood records, BPL news, injuries, predictions, etc and is dedicated to all fellow 1st blood members LHP, Dranzer, Sern, Yi Siong, and last-season newcomer and last in the table 09/10 Apolle. This season we will have another newcomer, Chin who will join us in this fun game.

Some brief overview of last season's (09/10) history.

1- CKW - 2268 pts (joined season 1)
2- LCW - 2167 pts (joined season 1)
3 - LHP - 2143 pts (joined season 1)
4- TKS - 1998 pts (joined season 1)
5 - YiSiong - 1860 pts (joined season 1)
6 - Apolle - 1856 pts (joined season 3, newcomer must learn some lesson 1 b4 proceed, hehe)

Get ready for the new season 2010/2011!!

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