Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Result - GW 2 1st blood-ed

This week TYS was 1st-blooded.. thanks to the poor performance by an almost full-team Liverpool as he captained Stevie G.. (Although CKW and LCW has the worst captain selection with their captain each scoring 1 pts only.. Albrighton (emergency captain) and Fabregas)

Result for GW 2 :-

1) Apolle - 64 pts (5 transfer made)

2) LCW/Kvinz - 58 pts (LCW -1, Kvinz - 4 transfer made)

3) TKS - 57 pts (3 transfer made)

4) LHP - 49 pts (3 transfer made)

5) CKW - 47 pts (1 transfer made)

6) TYS - 44 pts (1 transfer made)

Compared to last season, Apolle has improved alot and made a fast pick-up to occupy the 1st half of the league table, meanwhile.. myself (CKW) and LHP picked up quite slowly compared to last season.. (to be honest.. its f-king very slow)

Despite the improvement, Apolle still capitalize on the advantage of transfering many players to gain higher points thru the sacrifice of points deducted per transfer, which has been a habit for him last season (average 4 transfers per gw last season)

Well, the season is still long and although all the so called "bug players" (regular scorer of points and bonuses) have appeared with only 2 games have past.. it is hard to determine yet as the race is still far from the finishing line.

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